An Extended Occlusion Detection Approach for Video Processing

Synh Viet-Uyen Ha, Tuan-Anh Vu, Ha Manh Tran


Occlusions become conspicuous as failure regions in video processing when unified over time because the contraventions of the restriction of brightness have accumulated and evolved in occluded regions. The accuracy at the boundaries of the moving objects is one of the challenging areas that required further exploration and research. This paper presents the work in process approach that can detect occlusion regions by using pixel-wise coherence, segment-wise confidence and interpolation technique. Our method can get the same result as usual methods by solving only one Partial Differential Equations (PDE) problem; it is superior to existing methods because it is faster and provides better coverage rates for occlusion regions than variation techniques when tested against a varied number of benchmark datasets. With these improved results, we can apply and extend our approach to a wider range of applications in computer vision, such as background subtraction, tracking, 3D reconstruction, video surveillance, video compression.

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