Theoretical Foundations of Mobile Flexible Networks

Mérouane Debbah


The general framework of Mobile Flexible Networks (MFN) is to design dense self-organizing, self-healing and self-energy harvesting secure networks where terminals and base stations interact and self-adapt in an intelligent manner without the need of a central controller or with the right amount of regulation to let the agents in the network exploit fully the degrees of freedom. The design depends mainly on the mobility pattern as in highly mobile environments, intelligence at the terminal reduces the cost of signaling whereas for fixedling whereas for fixed (non-mobile) networks, all the intelligence can be put on the network side. One of the big challenges is to find how to optimally split the intelligence between cognitive terminals and cognitive networks. In this paper, we discuss the challenges ahead and provide some research directions to develop the theoretical foundations of these networks.

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ISSN: 1859-378X

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