A Composite Mobility Model for Ad Hoc Networks in Disaster Areas

Stéphane Pomportes, Joanna Tomasik, Véronique Vèque


Ad hoc network is an essential means of communication in disaster scenes. Validation of new communication protocols for these networks requires exhaustive simulation runs because real life experiences can be performed exclusively during expensive civil protection exercises. The necessity of these simulations calls for realistic and reliable mobility models which take into account numerous aspects of rescue worker interventions. We propose a composite model of mobility for disaster scenarii which includes a realistic model of human displacement, team mobility, and obstacle avoidance. The comparison of its performance with those of other available models is encouraging. We believe that it can improve the veracity of rescue operation simulations.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21553/rev-jec.10

Copyright (c) 2011 REV Journal on Electronics and Communications

ISSN: 1859-378X

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Radio and Electronics Association of Vietnam
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